A scores overlay can be added to your BoxCast streams automatically. When you plug in your NeST device, provided you’ve sent us your BoxCast credentials (see form below), the NeST will automatically create a game-specific broadcast for you, which will appear on your BoxCast dashboard. This broadcast will contain the teams playing, a start and stop time (estimated), the sport, and the team/school colors we have setup for you in our Scorebird database. You can go live with this broadcast using the official BoxCast iOS app or whatever BoxCast hardware you choose to stream with.
PLEASE NOTE: In order for this type of integration to work, your NeST device must be able to communicate with the remote Boxcast API. The NeST sends score updates directly to the BoxCast API, on your behalf, and will need internet access.
A broadcast will be automatically created and added to your BoxCast dashboard
You can view the details and set any additional configuration by editing the broadcast (you likely won’t need to change anything here)
Now you will need to update the Boxcast settings in the NeST details section of the Scorebird Admin mobile app (iOS, Android). The steps below show how to do this.
Go to your NeST details screen and select "Score Overlay and Widgets"
Select "Native Video Integrations" on the next screen
Select "Boxcast" on the next screen
Enable and enter your BoxCast credentials on the next screen. The "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values are available in the BoxCast Dashboard. We only need your "BoxCast ID" if you are streaming from a BoxCast device. We do not need the "BoxCast ID" if you are streaming from the iOS app. The "BoxCast ID" is located underneath your BoxCast device.
Click "Update" and you are all set.