Broadcast overlay parameters

You can add a Score Bug to your live streams via a unique url. This page lists the available customization options.

Available Parameters

Control colors, names, layout and more using these url parameters. To set the serial to "99999" and the sport to "basketball", for example, you can use the following url:

The available url parameters include:

  • Required

  • sport
    (Required) The overlay sport
  • serial
    (One of serial or schedule_id is Required) The 5-digit NeST serial number
  • schedule_id
    (One of serial or schedule_id is Required) The unique Scorebird schedule id. The overlay will only render this specific game
  • Colors

  • border_color
    (Optional - Hex number) The overlay background color
  • home_team_color
    (Optional - Hex number) The home team background color
  • away_team_color
    (Optional - Hex number) The away team background color
  • home_text_color
    (Optional - Hex number) The home team text color
  • away_text_color
    (Optional - Hex number) The away team text color
  • hiding elements

  • To hide certain elements, you can use the following field:

  • hide_fields
    (Optional - Comma-delimited string) - Possible values include:
  • All Sports
    home_logo, away_logo, clock, secondary_time
  • Volleyball
    set_scores, leading_team
  • Display

  • home_player
    (Optional - String) The name of the home player
  • away_player
    (Optional - String) The name of the away player
  • home_name
    (Optional - String - 15 characters max) Overrides the home team name
  • away_name
    (Optional - String - 15 characters max) Overrides the away team name
  • court_number
    (Optional - Number) The court number if the sport is "Tennis"
  • show_fields
    (Optional - String/List) A comma-separated list of fields to display
  • message
    (Optional - String - 45 characters max) - A message that displays above the overlay. Supported in basketballfootball classic templates
  • team_name_width
    (Optional - Number) - Control the size of the team names. Note: There is a minimum value enforced in each sport for readability purposes. Also, if the number is very small, this has the potential to cut off the team names.
  • Style

  • swap_home_away
    (Optional - true/false) Swap the home and away team positions
  • render
    (Optional - String - One of 'horizontal', or 'stacked') The overlay template
  • "Horizontal" Example (Supported for All Sports):
  • "Stacked" Example (Supported for Baseball, Basketball and Ice Hockey):
  • animate
    (Optional - true/false) Whether the overlay shows animations
  • max_width
    (Optional - Number) The maximum size of the overlay. Can be used to scale the overlay.
  • green_screen
    (Optional - true/false) Whether to make the background of the overlay pure green
  • message_delay
    (Optional - Decimal) The amount of time (in seconds) to delay the overlay's messages
  • template
    (Optional - String - Either 'classic' or blank) - The template to render
  • "Classic" Example (Supported in Basketball, Baseball, and Football overlays):
  • Single Fields

  • single_field_font_size
    (Optional - Number) - The font size when rendering a single field
  • single_field
    (Optional - String) - The single field to render (see the full list of fields below)
  • single_field_bg_color
    (Optional - Hex number) - The single field background color
  • single_field_text_color
    (Optional - Hex number) - The single field text color
  • single_field_primary_color
    (Optional - Hex number) - The color for elements such as the "timeouts" dashes or dots
  • single_field_text_bold
    (Optional - true/false) - Whether to render bold text
  • single_field_text_italic
    (Optional - true/false) - Whether to render italic text
  • Positioning

  • frame_width
    (Required for positioning - Number) - The width of the containing frame in pixels (should match your stream dimensions)
  • frame_height
    (Required for positioning - Number) - The width of the containing frame in pixels (should match your stream dimensions)
  • frame_padding
    (Optional - Number - Default: 20) - The padding between the frame and the overlay in pixels
  • position
    (Required for positioning - String) - The position of the overlay on the stream - Can be one of the following values:
    top_left, top_middle, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_middle, bottom_right

single fields

The single field parameter allows you to render a single field, as opposed to the entire overlay, on your live stream. For example, to render the home team's "bonus" value, use:

The following is a list of all of the fields you can render, organized by sport:


  • inning
    (Number) - The current baseball inning value
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • home_errors
    (Number) - The current home team errors
  • away_errors
    (Number) - The current away team errors
  • home_hits
    (Number) - The current home team hits
  • away_hits
    (Number) - The current away team hits
  • at_bat
    (String "H" or "A") - The current team at bat
  • strike
    (Number) - The batting team's strike count
  • out
    (Number) - The batting team's out count
  • ball
    (Number) - The batting team's ball count


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • quarter
    (Number) - The current quarter
  • home_bonus
    (String - "BONUS", "DBL BONUS", or blank) - The current home team bonus
  • away_bonus
    (String - "BONUS", "DBL BONUS", or blank) - The current away team bonus
  • home_tol
    (Number) - The current home team timeouts left
  • away_tol
    (Number) - The current away team timeouts left
  • home_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • away_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • home_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • away_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • home_fouls
    (Number) - The current home team fouls
  • away_fouls
    (Number) - The current away team fouls
  • possession
    (String "H" or "A") - The home or away team possession
  • secondary_time
    (String) - The current secondary (play clock) time


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • quarter
    (Number) - The current quarter
  • home_tol
    (Number) - The current home team timeouts left
  • away_tol
    (Number) - The current away team timeouts left
  • home_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • away_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • home_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • away_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • down
    (Number) - The current down
  • to_go
    (Number) - The current yards to go
  • ball_on
    (Number) - The current yard line
  • possession
    (String "H" or "A") - The home or away team possession
  • play_stats
    (String) - The current play stats (e.g., "1st & 10 on 35")
  • secondary_time
    (String) - The current secondary (play clock) time

ice hockey

  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • quarter
    (Number) - The current quarter
  • home_tol
    (Number) - The current home team timeouts left
  • away_tol
    (Number) - The current away team timeouts left
  • home_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • away_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • home_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • away_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • home_penalty_time_1
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 1
  • home_penalty_time_2
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 2
  • away_penalty_time_1
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 1
  • away_penalty_time_2
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 2
  • home_shots
    (Number) - The current home team shots count
  • away_shots
    (Number) - The current away team shots count
  • home_saves
    (Number) - The current home team saves count
  • away_saves
    (Number) - The current away team saves count
  • home_penalties
    (Number) - The current home team penalties count
  • away_penalties
    (Number) - The current away team penalties count
  • home_penalty_player_1
    (Number) - The current home team penalty player 1 (jersey number)
  • home_penalty_player_2
    (Number) - The current home team penalty player 2 (jersey number)
  • away_penalty_player_1
    (Number) - The current away team penalty player 1 (jersey number)
  • away_penalty_player_2
    (Number) - The current away team penalty player 2 (jersey number)


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • quarter
    (Number) - The current quarter
  • possession
    (String "H" or "A") - The home or away team possession
  • secondary_time
    (String) - The current secondary (play clock) time
  • home_tol
    (Number) - The current home team timeouts left
  • away_tol
    (Number) - The current away team timeouts left
  • home_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • away_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • home_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • away_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • home_penalty_time_1
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 1
  • home_penalty_time_2
    (String) - The current home penalty clock 2
  • away_penalty_time_1
    (String) - The current away penalty clock 1
  • away_penalty_time_2
    (String) - The current away penalty clock 2
  • home_shots
    (Number) - The current home team shots count
  • away_shots
    (Number) - The current away team shots count
  • home_saves
    (Number) - The current home team saves count
  • away_saves
    (Number) - The current away team saves count
  • home_penalty_player_1
    (Number) - The current home team penalty player 1 (jersey number)
  • home_penalty_player_2
    (Number) - The current home team penalty player 2 (jersey number)
  • away_penalty_player_1
    (Number) - The current away team penalty player 1 (jersey number)
  • away_penalty_player_2
    (Number) - The current away team penalty player 2 (jersey number)


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • quarter
    (Number) - The current quarter
  • home_shots
    (Number) - The current home team shots count
  • away_shots
    (Number) - The current away team shots count
  • home_saves
    (Number) - The current home team saves count
  • away_saves
    (Number) - The current away team saves count
  • home_penalties
    (Number) - The current home team penalties count
  • away_penalties
    (Number) - The current away team penalties count
  • home_corners
    (Number) - The current home team corners count
  • away_corners
    (Number) - The current away team corners count


  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • court_number
    (Number) - The court number
  • serve
    (String - "H" or "G") - The current team serving
  • game_home
    (Number) - The current home game score
  • game_guest
    (Number) - The current guest game score
  • home_set_(1 to 5)
    (Number) - The current home set scores
  • guest_set_(1 to 5)
    (Number) - The current guest set scores


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • home_tol
    (Number) - The current home team timeouts left
  • away_tol
    (Number) - The current away team timeouts left
  • home_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • away_tol_dashes
    (Dashes) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered horizontally as dashes
  • home_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current home team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • away_tol_dots
    (Dots) - The current away team timeouts left, rendered vertically as dots
  • set_number
    (Number) - The current set number
  • serve
    (String - "H" or "V") - The current team serving
  • home_sets_won
    (Number) - The current home team number of sets won
  • away_sets_won
    (Number) - The current away team number of sets won
  • game_scores
    (String) - A combined summary of the individual game scores
  • home_kills
    (Number) - The current home team kills count
  • away_kills
    (Number) - The current away team kills count
  • home_aces
    (Number) - The current home team aces count
  • away_aces
    (Number) - The current away team aces count
  • home_blocks
    (Number) - The current home team blocks count
  • away_blocks
    (Number) - The current away team blocks count
  • home_digs
    (Number) - The current home team digs count
  • away_digs
    (Number) - The current away team digs count


  • time
    (String) - The current clock time
  • home
    (Number) - The current home team score
  • away
    (Number) - The current away team score
  • weight_class
    (Number) - The current weight class
  • match_number
    (Number) - The current match number
  • period
    (String) - The current ordinal period
  • home_adv_time
    (String) - The current home team advantage time
  • away_adv_time
    (String) - The current away team advantage time
  • adv_time_diff
    (String) - The current advantage time diff
  • home_injury_time
    (String) - The current home injury time
  • away_injury_time
    (String) - The current away injury time
  • blood_time
    (String) - The current blood time
  • home_match_score
    (Number) - The current home match score
  • away_match_score
    (Number) - The current away match score
  • adv_indicator
    (String "H" or "V") - The current advantage team
  • blood_indicator
    (String "H" or "V") - The current blood team